HOME > 美容・健康 > AHAVA Time to Clear Facial Mud Exfoliator 3.4 fl. oz. 泥顔洗浄 [並行輸入品]
アンチエイジング 小じわしみ改善美肌 洗浄クレンザー

AHAVA Time to Clear Facial Mud Exfoliator  3.4 fl. oz. 泥顔洗浄 [並行輸入品]

AHAVA Time to Clear Facial Mud Exfoliator 3.4 fl. oz. 泥顔洗浄 [並行輸入品]

専門店特価5,929円( 税込 )




Ahava[アハバ] 肌洗浄 • 顔の泥エクスフォリエーター Gentle face scrub that removes dead surface cells with a gentle exfoliating action. Stimulates cell renewal and while purifying skin leaving it smooth and clear. The osmotertm improves skin’s moisture level leaving it clarified and hydrated. AHAVA Time to Clear Facial Mud Exfoliator 3.4 fl. oz. A gentle face scrub that exfoliates and renews skin to reveal a smoother softer more radiant complexion. Benefits Clarifies and evens complexion using dead sea mud. Improves skin's ability to absorb moisture. Suggested Use Apply a dime-sized amount to palms. Work into lather. Massage over wet face then rinse off with warm water.



AHAVA Time to Clear Facial Mud Exfoliator 3.4 fl. oz. 泥顔洗浄 [並行輸入品]

AHAVA Time to Clear Facial Mud Exfoliator  3.4 fl. oz. 泥顔洗浄 [並行輸入品]

( 税込 )


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